Leslie Thomas Junior High

March 18th, Newsletter

Dear LT Families, I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable March Break. Here is the latest information, March 18 2024.pdf .

Pi Day Champions: Math teachers were very impressed with all the students who competed in the Pi Day Challenge yesterday. It is not an easy Challenge and we applaud all who tried. Over 2200 numbers of Pi were memorized by LT students competing to see who would be victorious.  To the Grade 6’s, start your work now for next year’s competition. The grade 7’s have already made a good start for next year’s competition when you are in grade 8. Each class winner will have 2 weeks of free pizza after March Break and the school winner will receive 4 weeks of free pizza. Winners received a personal size apple pie to help celebrate Pi Day next week, March 14th (3.14). Here are the winners

SchoolsPlus Information: Here is some news from our SchoolsPlus Team of  Facilitator April Peckham and Outreach Worker April Parker: Free Health & Wellness Programs: They offer a variety of free programs beginning late March, early April. This includes many different parenting programs that may be of interest.

Library Loot Fundraiser was a success!:The Library Loot Fundraiser is a huge success. The grand total of money donated is $860. Tattletales bookstore will add about 40% to our total putting us up over $1200. Thank you to everyone who donated money for new library books! The winners for each grade are:6-4, 7-4,8-4
Congratulations! You will get to celebrate with ice cream after March Break.


LTJH School Clothing
School Clothing can be found here: https://lesliethomasjuniorhighschool.entripyshops.com/ Entripy is the official online shopping portal for Leslie Thomas Junior High School. You can browse a wide selection of products from a variety of brands that you can then customize
with the approved logos and graphics found on the site. Display your pride in fantastic apparel customized entirely by you. Entripy lets students, families, fans, & staff choose from approved merchandise to fit their needs 24/7 with no minimum order quantities.