Leslie Thomas Junior High

Pi Day Champions

Math teachers were very impressed with all the students who competed in the Pi Day Challenge yesterday. It is not an easy Challenge and we applaud all who tried. Over 2200 numbers of Pi were memorized by LT students competing to see who would be victorious.
To the Grade 6’s, start your work now for next year’s competition. The grade 7’s have already made a good start for next year’s competition when you are in grade 8.
Each class winner will have 2 weeks of free pizza after March Break and the school winner will receive 4 weeks of free pizza. Today, Everyone takes home a personal size apple pie to help celebrate Pi Day next week, March 14th (3.14).

Class Winner
7-1  Sheerti 
7-2  Shreeya
7-3  Lizzie
7-4  Breanna
7-5 Izzy
8-1  Yug
8-2 Isaiah
8-3  David
8-4 Tony
781 Grade 8 Cooper 
Grade 7 Grayson/Parker  (tied)
School Winner Phoebe (482 numbers memorized)